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Work and Empowerment

Because together we achieve more.

Vocational Counselling and Assistance

Frequently, growing up is not that easy. That is why LebensGroß provides young people with a range of services that can support them in finding their vocational path and qualifications. These include the AusbildungsFit starter module and main course preparing for vocational training, youth coaching and vocational training assistance. LebensGroß employees work there together with young people to explore the prospects for a fulfilling future and realise their potential and goals for a vocation and career.

Our Places of Work

LebensGroß establishes the essential requirements for people with disabilities in its own companies to allow them to learn and consolidate skills for day to day work.

Extract from our companies:


The companies we partner with attach particular importance to the potential of a diverse society and create inclusive working environments. On behalf of the state of Styria, LebensGroß seeks out a suitable field of activity, at partner companies, in collaboration with those people who have a formal decision (Bescheid) on “employment participation in the world of work”.

Extract from our partner companies:
Day Care

The provision of day care is aimed at people with disabilities who need support in day to day life. The staff at LebensGroß day care centres have the teaching and nursing qualifications and training to respond to the individual wishes and needs of participants and provide a range of opportunities to structure creative and leisure activities. LebensGroß also offers a wide range of day care opportunities for senior people with disabilities.

Our Studios and Workshops

Whether it is making unique felt accessories or silk scarves by hand, writing poems and short stories, doing handicrafts, cultivating gardens or making luxury soap tablets yourself: the opportunities for employment in LebensGroß studios and workshops are wide and varied. In day care, people with disabilities are able to develop their skills and talents, bring their creativity alive and constantly explore new areas of activity.

Because I make a difference with my work.

Working at LebensGroß

What is it like to work for us as an employee and what benefits do we offer you? What makes working at LebensGroß so special?

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