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Leisure Activities

Because joie de vivre is catching.


Tumawas, literally “Let’s do something”, covers a variety of leisure activities with professional support. Whether it’s a visit to the cinema, an afternoon at the swimming pool, an extended shopping trip or exploring local leisure pursuits – support from the LebensGroß leisure assistants is always on hand to make sure it’s anything but boring. Provision of support is on an hourly basis, but can also be longer (e.g. for short holidays). Tumawas also provides services for groups in and around Graz, and in Voitsberg and Deutschlandsberg.

Move on to inclusion

Move on to Inclusion (MOI) actively pursues the objective of making the general range of sports accessible and tangible for everyone. On the one hand, LebensGroß staff and participants actively work to further open up sports clubs and exercise programs to people with disabilities. Clubs need to have the awareness and participants should be enabled to engage in sports together on an equal footing.
And, on the other hand, people with disabilities are trained to become sports management assistants. As such, they facilitate the organisation and hand in hand support of inclusive sports events.
The SportFinder project is developing a website aimed at networking clubs and athletes with disabilities in an ideal manner.


The Wunderteam, or Miracle Team, is open to young people (from the end of compulsory education to the age of 24) who are neither attending school nor in training.
Young people who are also taking part in German, basic education or compulsory school courses are also part of the target group. Those who participate in AMS courses for less than 16 hours per week can also join the Wunderteam.
In the Wunderteam, youngsters can play football together, but also take part in the Graz Hobby League. Workshops, learning units as well as visits and outings, covering various sectors, can also be completed, accompanied by LebensGroß staff. These sports and learning opportunities are aimed at strengthening and motivating young people. Over the longer term, it should facilitate their return to the training system or the job market.
In addition to the most common training sessions, we also provide very specific sessions just for girls. Generally, however, participation in the project is open to all genders.


Summer Care

Our goal is to provide inclusive support for children with disabilities. LebensGroß provides summer care specifically aimed at children and young people (from 4 to 19 years) with disabilities in Graz and the surrounding area, Voitsberg and Deutschlandsberg. They are cared for by our specialist staff in small groups, which allows them to respond to individual needs in the best possible manner. Opportunities are also available to attend summer care programs from our collaboration partners (such as, Camps for Champs or Fratz/Graz) with an assistant.
