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Children and Family

Because we grow together.

Early Intervention and Family Support

For children up to the age of 6 with late development or behavioural problems, early childhood intervention and family support services are available. Following the motto of our support team workers, the earlier the support begins for a child, the better it will be able to develop. Early intervention is financed from social service funds for child and youth welfare or disability assistance and is offered in Graz and the surrounding area, Voitsberg and Deutschlandsberg.

Family Relief

Team members of the Family Relief Service (FED in German) take care of children, young people and adults, on an hourly or daily basis, in their private living environment. If family members and relatives need time for themselves or to meet appointments, FED team members step in. Support is geared to daily routines and providing basic care of the person being cared for.
To be eligible for family relief, you must submit an application in accordance with the Disabled Persons Act (Behindertengesetz) to the relevant authority of your registered residence.

Assistance in Schools and Kindergarten

LebensGroß care workers provide support to children and young people at school and in kindergarten. Whether simply getting dressed or undressed, organising the learning space or providing nursing support – assistants provide support where help is needed. They also help in developing social contacts. Through individual support, children and young people are encouraged to act and choose for themselves as independently as possible.

Summer Care

Our goal is to provide inclusive support for children with disabilities. LebensGroß provides summer care specifically aimed at children and young people (from 4 to 19 years) with disabilities in Graz and the surrounding area, Voitsberg and Deutschlandsberg. They are cared for by our specialist staff in small groups, which allows them to respond to individual needs in the best possible manner. Opportunities are also available to attend summer care programs from our collaboration partners (such as, Camps for Champs or Fratz/Graz) with an assistant.

Vocational Counselling and Training

Frequently, growing up is not that easy. That is why LebensGroß provides young people with a range of services that can support them in finding their vocational path and qualifications. These include the AusbildungsFit starter module and main course preparing for vocational training, youth coaching and vocational training assistance. LebensGroß employees work there together with young people to explore the prospects for a fulfilling future and realise their potential and goals for a vocation and career.

Early Help Services

Pregnancy and parenthood come with many changes and often challenges. With the Frühen Hilfen, early help services, it is possible to find the right support – without the burden of bureaucratic paperwork and the need for prior registration. Support for pregnant women and families with small children is provided by family assistants, who can guide them to the appropriate and necessary support services within the social and health care system. Where necessary, they will also be available and on hand for the families over the longer term. This can give a real reduction in stress, insecurity, financial worries and psychological strain, allowing the bond between parents and child to mature and strengthen.

Flexible Help Services

When families face exceptional challenge or are going through particularly difficult phases in life, they can be supported by assistants from the Flexible Help Services. They are able to visit the homes of the families affected and support them directly with issues of education or internal family conflicts, as well as with day to day life or much needed time out. Hand in hand support is tailored to closely match the needs of each family. Flexible Help Services is provided by LebensGroß with partner institutions in the Graz and surrounding area and Deutschlandsberg.
